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Understanding the dynamics of brand love in the automobile industry

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 2024, 19, 1142-1163, jtaer19020059

Mohamad Hashem, Carla Ruiz, Rafael Curras-Perez


How consumers process online review types in familiar versus unfamiliar destinations. A self-reported and neuroscientific study

Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2024, 199: 123067,

Enrique Bigne, Carla Ruiz, Rafael Curras-Perez

Furnishing your home? The impact of voice assistant avatars in virtual reality shopping: A neurophysiological study

Computers in Human Behavior, 2024, 153: 108104,

Enrique Bigne, Carla Ruiz, Rafael Curras-Perez



I want to travel to the past! The role of creative style and historical reconstructions as antecedents of informativeness in a virtual visit to a heritage tourist destination

Current Issues in Tourism, 2023,

Enrique Bigne, Rafael Curras-PerezCarla Ruiz, Luisa Andreu

Comparing the effects of consumers’ perceptions of companies’ corporate social responsibility initiatives in emerging and developed markets

Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 2023, 35:11, 2748-2764

Rafael Curras-PerezAlejandro Alvarado-Herrera, Jorge Vera-Martínez 

Building brand tribes in sport organizations: what role does brand personality play as an antecedent of tribalism?

Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios, 2023, 25: 3, 315-332

Carlos Nagore, Joaquin Aldas-Manzano, Rafael Curras-Perez

I like you or I like what you say? Effect of influencer on tourist behaviour

Current Issues in Tourism, 2023, 26: 19, 3160-3174

Patricia Santateresa-Bernat, Isabel Sánchez-García, Rafael Curras-Perez


How environmental gain messages affect cause involvement, attitude and behavioural intentions: the moderating effects of CSR scepticism and biospheric values

Corporate Communications: An International Review, 2022, 24: 3, 420-438

Katja Anna Stadlthanner, Luisa Andreu, Xavier Font, Manuel Alector Ribeiro, Rafael Curras-Perez

Social media communication and destination brand equity

Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Technology, 2022, 13: 4, 650-666

Igor Stojanovic, Luisa Andreu, Rafael Curras-Perez

Live and online music festivals in the COVID-19 era: analysis of motivational differences and value perceptions

Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios, 2022, 124: 3, 420-438

Ainara Perez-Monteagudo, Rafael Curras-Perez


Do consumers really care about corporate social responsibility when bearing brands in mind?

Journal of Global Marketing, 2021,

Jorge Vera-Martínez, Alejandro Alvarado-Herrera Rafael Curras-Perez

Antecedentes y efectos de los usos y gratificaciones de la participación en Facebook. Un estudio aplicado a los destinos turísticos

Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 2021, XXVII: 3, 1-23

Luciana Chavez-Santana, Carla Ruiz-Mafé, Rafael Curras-Pérez

Influencia de la religiosidad, la norma subjetiva y la efectividad percibida del consumidor en el consumo socialmente responsable

Revista CEA, 2021, 7: 14, 120-138

Juan Camilo Mejía, Rafael Currás-Pérez, Carlos Manuel Córdoba-Segovia

Teachers’ beliefs about gamification and competencies development: a concept mapping approach

Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 2021, 58: 1, 84-94

José Martí-Parreño, Amparo Galbis-Córdova, Rafael Currás-Pérez



The effect of emotions, eWOM quality and online review sequence on consumer intention to follow advice obtained from digital services

Journal of Service Management, 2020, 31: 3, 465-487

Carla Ruiz-Mafe, Enrique Bigne-Alcañiz, Rafael Curras-Perez

The role of travel motivations and social media on interactive consumer behaviour: A U&G perspective

Sustainaility, 2020, 12, 8789; doi:10.3390/su12218789

Luciana Chavez, Carla Ruiz, Rafael Curras, Blanca Hernandez

Is satisfaction a necessary and sufficient condition to avoid switching? The moderating role of service type

European Journal of Management & Business Economics, 2020, 29: 1, 54-83

Isabel Sánchez García y Rafael Curras-Perez

In Memoriam. Rafael Currás Cayón

Flora Montiberica , 2020, 77: 91-97

Miguel Guara Requena, Rafael Currás Pérez, Emilio Laguna Contreras



Destination appeal through digitalized comments

Journal of Business Research, 2019, 101, 447-453

Enrique Bigne, Carla Ruiz y Rafael Curras-Perez

Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on brand loyalty

Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios, 2019 21; 3, 395-415

José Javier Rivera, Enrique Bigne, Rafael Curras-Perez



The role of emotions and conflicting online reviews on consumers' purchase intentions

Journal of Business Research, 2018, 89: 336-344

Carla Ruiz-Mafe, Kalliopi Chatzipanagiotou y Rafael Curras-Perez

How social, environmental, and economic CSR affects consumer‐perceived value: Does perceived consumer effectiveness make a difference?

Corporate Social Responsibility & Environmental Management, 2018, 25, 733-747

Rafael Currás-Pérez, Consuelo Dolz‐Dolz, María J. Miquel‐Romero e Isabel Sánchez‐García

Effects of the intensity of use of social media on brand equity. An empirical study in a tourist destination

European Journal of Management and Business Economics, 2018, 27: 1, 83-100

Igor Stojanovic, Luisa Andreu, Rafael Curras-Perez


Responsabilidad social corporativa y marketing: ¿Oxímoron o instrumento para empoderar a los consumidores?

Razón y Fe, 2018, 277, nº 1431, pp. 63-73

Rafael Currás Pérez


Determinants of customer retention in virtual environments. The role of perceived risk in a tourism services context

Spanish Journal of Marketing - ESIC, 2017, 21: 2, 131-145

Rafael Curras-Perez, Carla Ruiz, Isabel Sanchez-Garcia, Silvia Sanz

Higher Education students’ attitude towards the use of gamification for competencies development

Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society, 2017; 13:1, 129-146 

Amparo Galbis-Córdova, José Martí-Parreño, Rafael Currás-Pérez

A scale for measuring consumer perception of Corporate Social Responsibility following the Sustainable Development paradigm

Journal of Business Ethics, 2017, 140: 2, 243–262

Alejandro Alvarado-Herrera, Enrique Bigne, Joaquín Aldas-Manzano, Rafael Curras-Perez


Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility perception on consumer satisfaction with the brand

Spanish Journal of Marketing - ESIC, 2016, 20: 2, 104-114

J.J. Rivera, E. Bigne, R. Curras-Perez

Marketing as innovation strategy in Non Profit Sector in China: The network of influence “Guanxi”

Chinese Business Review, 2016, 15: 5, 224-238

Antonia Sajardo Moreno, Marta Gil Ibañez, Rafael Curras Perez

Antecedents and consequences of consumer commitment in traditional and low-cost airlines

Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 2016, 33: 6, 899-911 

Rafael Curras-Perez, Isabel Sanchez-Garcia


Determinants of user behaviour and recommendation in social networks : An integrative approach from the uses and gratifications perspective

Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2014, 114: 9, 1477-1498

Rafael Curras-Perez, Carla Ruiz-Mafe, Silvia Sanz-Blas


Factors contributing brand attitude in advergames: entertainment and irritation

Journal of Brand Management, 2013, 20: 5, 374-388

José Martí-Parreño, Joaquín Aldás-Manzano, Rafael Currás-Pérez, Isabel Sánchez-García

Investigación sobre la eficacia de la publicidad en videojuegos: estado de la cuestión

AdResearch ESIC, 2013, Primer semestre, 20-34

J. Martí, J. Aldás, R. Currás


La responsabilidad social como creador de valor de marca: el efecto moderador de la atribución de objetivos

Revista Europea de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa, 2013, 22, 21-28

Joaquín Aldás Manzano, Luisa Andreu Simó, Rafael Currás Pérez

Social Network loyalty: evaluating the role of attitude, perceived risk and satisfaction

Online Information Review, 2013, 37: 1, 61-82

Rafael Currás‐Pérez, Carla Ruiz‐Mafé, Silvia Sanz‐Blas


Antecedentes y consecuencias de la identificación del consumidor con la empresa: revisión conceptual y clasificación

Cuadernos de Administración, 2012, 25: 44, 93-115. 

Rafael Currás Pérez


Cause-related Marketing influence on consumer responses: the moderating effect of cause-brand fit

Journal of Marketing Communications, 2012, 18: 4, 265-283

Enrique Bigné-Alcañiz, Rafael Currás-Pérez, Carla Ruiz-Mafé,  Silvia Sanz-Blas


Nuevas fórmulas publicitarias: los advergames como herramienta de las comunicaciones de marketing

Cuadernos de Gestión, 2012, 12:2, 43-58

josé Martí Parreño, Rafael Currás Pérez, Isabel Sánchez García


Dual nature of cause-brand fit: influence on corporate social responsibility image

European Journal of Marketing, 2012, 45: 5/6, 575-594

Enrique Bigné, Rafael Curras-Perez, Joaquin Aldas-Manzano


La marca del distribuidor y los productos duraderos: aplicación práctica a los electrodomésticos

Revista Europea de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa, 2012, 21: 1, 113-127

Carmen Pérez Cabañero, María José Miquel Romero, Eva María Caplliure Giner, Rafael Currás Pérez


Satisfacción y lealtad hacia un sitio Web: el efecto moderador del riesgo percibido

Esic-Market, 2012, Ene-Abr, 209-234

Rafael Curras-Perez, Isabel Sanchez-Garcia


Online information quality as determinant of perceived risk reduction in e-commerce: an application to apparel virtual stores

International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, 2011, 6: 4, 352-372

Joaquín Aldás-Manzano, Rafael Currás-Pérez, Silvia Sanz-Blas


Explaining consumer acceptance of mobile competitions and prize draws

International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, 2011, 6: 4, 315-332

Rafael Currás-Pérez, Carla Ruiz-Mafé, Silvia Sanz-Blas


Efectos de la responsabilidad social corporativa percibida por el consumidor sobre el valor y la satisfacción con el servicio

Revista Europea de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa, 2011, 20: 4, 139-159

José Enrique Bigné Alcañiz, Alejandro Alvarado Herrera, Joaquín Aldás Manzano, Rafael Currás Pérez


Gestión de redes en empresas turísticas ante eventos deportivos: Un análisis de la America’s Cup 2007 en Valencia

Revista de Análisis Turístico, 2011, 11, 55-63

Luisa Andreu Simó, Rafael Currás Pérez, Juergen Gnoth


What motivates consumers to teleshopping? The impact of TV personality and audience interaction

Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 2011, 29: 5, 534-555

Rafael Currás-Pérez, Carla Ruiz-Mafé, Silvia Sanz-Blas


Effects of dissatisfaction in tourist services: the role of anger and regret

Tourism Management, 2011, 32: 6, 1397-1406

Isabel Sánchez-García, Rafael Currás-Pérez


Epistemological evolution of corporate social responsibility in management: an empirical analysis of 35 years of research

African Journal of Business Management, 2011, 5: 6, 2055-2064

Alejandro Alvarado Herrera, Enrique Bigné Alcañiz, Rafael Currás Pérez, Isabel Sánchez García


Perspectivas teóricas usadas para el estudio de la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial: una clasificación en base a su racionalidad

Estudios Gerenciales, 2011, 27: 118, 115-137

Alejandro Alvarado Herrera, Enrique Bigné Alcañiz, Rafael Currás Pérez


Antecedentes y consecuencias del arrepentimiento postcompra: una aplicación a servicios de telefonía móvil

Revista Española de Investigación en Marketing ESIC, 2011, 15: 1, 7-34

Enrique Bigné, Isabel Sánchez García, Rafael Currás Pérez



Consecuencias del enfado y del arrepentimiento del consumidor: un estudio en servicios hoteleros y de restauración

Universia Business Review, 2010, 28, 4º trimestre, 78-101

Enrique Bigné, Rafael Currás-Pérez, Isabel Sánchez-García


Factores determinantes de la lealtad en el comercio electrónico B2C. Aplicación a la compra de billetes de avión

Revista Española de Investigación en Marketing ESIC, 2010, 14: 2, 113-142

Joaquín Aldás Manzano, Rafael Currás Pérez, Carla Ruiz Mafé, Silvia Sanz Blas


Consumer behavioural intentions in Cause-related Marketing. The role of identification and social cause involvement

International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, 2010, 7: 2, 127-143

Enrique Bigné-Alcañiz, Rafael Currás-Pérez, Carla Ruiz-Mafé, Silvia Sanz-Blas


El emplazamiento de producto: conceptualización, nuevos formatos y efectos sobre el consumidor

Teoría y Praxis, 2010, 8, 113-136

José Martí Parreño, Joaquín Aldás Manzano, Rafael Currás Pérez, Isabel Sánchez García


Latest evolution of academic research in Corporate Social Responsibility: an empirical analysis

Social Responsibility Journal, 2010, 6: 3, 332-344

Enrique Bigné Alcañiz, Alejandro Alvarado Herrera, Rafael Currás Pérez, José Javier Rivera Alcami


Identidad e imagen corporativa: revisión conceptual e interrelación

Teoría y Praxis, 2010, 7, 9-34

Rafael Currás Pérez


Alliances between brands and social causes: the influence of company credibility on social responsibility image

Journal of Business Ethics, 2010, 96: 2, 169-186

Enrique Bigné Alcañiz, Ruben Chumpitaz Cáceres, Rafael Currás Pérez


Brand credibility in cause-related marketing: the moderating role of consumer values

Journal of Product & Brand Management, 2009, 18: 6, 437-447

Enrique Bigné‐Alcañiz, Rafael Currás‐Pérez, Isabel Sánchez‐García


The role of self-definitional principles on consumer identification with a socially responsible company

Journal of Business Ethics, 2009, 89: 4, 574-564

Rafael Currás-Pérez, Enrique Bigné-Alcañiz, Alejandro Alvarado-Herrera


Effects of perceived identity based on Corporate Social Responsibility: the role of consumer identification with the company

Corporate Reputation Review, 2009, 12: 2, 177-189

Rafael Currás Pérez


Segmentación de las agencias de viaje en función de la adopción de las TIC

Papers de Turisme, 2009, 45, 7-19

Luisa Andreu Simó, Rafael Currás Pérez, Isabel Sánchez García


Epistemological evolution of Corporate Social Responsibility in marketing

International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, 2009, 6: 1, 35-50

Enrique Bigné Alcañiz, Alejandro Alvarado Herrera, Rafael Currás Pérez


Influencia de la percepción de la dimensión económica de la RSE sobre la satisfacción y la lealtad del consumidor

Revista de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial, 2009, I, Ene-Abr, 117-136

José Enrique Bigné Alcañiz, Alejandro Alvarado Herrera, Luisa Andreu Simó, Joaquín Aldás Manzano, Rafael Currás Pérez


¿Influye la imagen de responsabilidad social en la intención de compra?: el papel de la identificación del consumidor con la empresa

Universia Business Review, 2008, 19, 3er trimestre, 10-23

Enrique Bigne-Alcañiz, Rafael Currás-Pérez


La atribución de motivaciones y la identificación empresa-consumidor en el marketing con causa

Estudios sobre Consumo, 2008, 83, 41-53

Enrique Bigné Alcañiz, Rafael Currás Pérez


El papel de la imagen del destino en la valoración y comportamiento postcompra del turista de sol y playa

Papers de Turisme, 2007, 42, 57-73

Enrique Bigne-Alcañiz, Isabel Sánchez García, Rafael Currás-Pérez


Patrocinio y Marketing con causa: Herramientas conformantes de imagen corporativa

Investigación y Marketing, 2005, 86, 17-24

Rafael Currás Pérez


Internet como herramienta de marketing de relaciones. Estudio de las principales empresas españolas

Investigación y Marketing, 2004, 84, 29-40

Rafael Currás, Inés Küster

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